Aimo Kõva

Business Development Manager, AS Datel

Experience: 10+ years in ICT sector, 10+ years export project management. AS Datel- since February 2019. Tasks: Building a partner network, project sales. Participates in research and development projects. Previous work experience: over 5 years of project manager experience in a telecommunications company, both in the internal market and abroad. Graduated from Tallinn Polytechnic with a degree in telecommunications.

All Sessions by Aimo Kõva

15:45 - 16:30

Workshop by Estonian ICT Cluster “Roadmap for Effective e-Government Ecosystem

Estonian ICT Cluster experts will give practical guidance through the main steps of developing a resilient digital transformation roadmap, covering topics such as data and registries, data exchange, identification, development of services, using emerging technologies, etc. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!

15:45 - 16:30

Workshop by Estonian ICT Cluster “Roadmap for Effective e-Government Ecosystem

Estonian ICT Cluster experts will give practical guidance through the main steps of developing a resilient digital transformation roadmap, covering topics such as data and registries, data exchange, identification, development of services, using emerging technologies, etc. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!