Online platform
Technical information
Our conference is browser-based, there is no need to download anything.
The instructions to participate in the conference platform will be sent to your e-mail address shortly before the sessions start. Please also check the junk mailbox, if you have not received the notification.

On-site Venue
Tallinn Creative Hub
e-Governance Conference 2022 on-site event will be held in Tallinn Creative Hub on 10 – 12 May, 2022.
Tallinn Creative Hub is in the heart of Tallinn. It’s easy to get here by any means of transport and hotels are within walking distance.
The Creative Hub is one of the most uniquely creative event spaces in Northern Europe. Historically, the building was Tallinn City Central Power Station. The old industrial complex was re-opened in 2015 as a creatively renovated universal modern event centre.
Tallinna Kultuurikatel, Põhja puiestee 27a, 10415 Tallinn, main entrance.