Experience: 10+ years in ICT sector, 10+ years export project management. AS Datel- since February 2019. Tasks: Building a partner network, project sales. Participates in research and development projects. Previous work experience: over 5 years of project manager experience in a telecommunications company, both in the internal market and abroad. Graduated from Tallinn Polytechnic with a degree in telecommunications.
Estonian ICT Cluster experts will give practical guidance through the main steps of developing a resilient digital transformation roadmap, covering topics such as data and registries, data exchange, identification, development of services, using emerging technologies, etc. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!
Estonian ICT Cluster experts will give practical guidance through the main steps of developing a resilient digital transformation roadmap, covering topics such as data and registries, data exchange, identification, development of services, using emerging technologies, etc. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!