Yolanda Martínez

GovStack Global Overall Lead International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Yolanda Martínez currently works as International Telecommunications Union (ITU) overall lead for GovStack Initiative, helping governments accelerate the digitization of government services. In the public sector, Yolanda led the national digital strategy of Mexico, the digital government unit at the federal level, and the Zapopan digital city program at the local level. She has led several digital transformation initiatives in the private sector while at Deloitte Consulting. In the international arena, Yolanda led the Office of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Chile, has collaborated with United Nations agencies and joined OECD as a peer reviewer for the digital government strategies of various Latin American countries. Yolanda has been recognized by @political as one of the twenty most influential people globally in digital government. She holds a Ph.D. degree in information and knowledge society from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

All Sessions by Yolanda Martínez

15:00 - 15:45
Keynote and Panel Discussion

Digital Government Excellence: Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders

There is growing body of know-how on what to do to make government and countries advance digitally. However, as important - if not more - is how to do it, and especially how to lead such efforts. The role and methods of leadership for digital transformation of governments have not gained as much attention. That is why Siim Sikkut, former Government CIO of Estonia, set out to capture such practices and inspiring stories by talking to 20 remarkable digital government leaders from around the world. These stories and insights will be published as a book Digital Government Excellence, due out by June 2022. In this session, first through a keynote by Siim Sikkut and then at the panel discussion, the panelists will shed light into how to lead governments successfully into and through digital change. The topics covered will include: • Different roles that leaders have to play and critical success factors • Leadership styles and practices for effective delivery of digital strategies and reforms • What to watch out for as a leader - potential pitfalls.

11:15 - 12:00

WORKSHOP: by GovStack

Join the GovStack team for a hands-off experience in the co-design of government services based on user needs and using a building block approach. You will learn how to architect a digital service solution using reusable software components/building blocks (BB) & technical specifications from GovStack Global - like digital identity and verification, interoperability, digital signature, payments, among others - to accelerate the digitization of government services. This approach saves time and resources, allowing governments to upscale by using the same component across different digital services. We look forward to collaborating with you!

15:00 - 15:45
Keynote and Panel Discussion

Digital Government Excellence: Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders

There is growing body of know-how on what to do to make government and countries advance digitally. However, as important - if not more - is how to do it, and especially how to lead such efforts. The role and methods of leadership for digital transformation of governments have not gained as much attention. That is why Siim Sikkut, former Government CIO of Estonia, set out to capture such practices and inspiring stories by talking to 20 remarkable digital government leaders from around the world. These stories and insights will be published as a book Digital Government Excellence, due out by June 2022. In this session, first through a keynote by Siim Sikkut and then at the panel discussion, the panelists will shed light into how to lead governments successfully into and through digital change. The topics covered will include: • Different roles that leaders have to play and critical success factors • Leadership styles and practices for effective delivery of digital strategies and reforms • What to watch out for as a leader - potential pitfalls.