AI to empower data-driven decision making in the public sector


On 12 May you are welcome to join us in the discussion "Should We Automate Just Because We Can?" led by a distinguished legal expert on digital governance topics Katrin Nyman-Metcalf. As the introduction to the topic we invite you to listen the podcast with her on ethical challenges of fully automated services.

In this episode, Katrin Nyman-Metcalf covers another side of the coin – essential and ethical dilemmas behind that process/development. Among others, about the role of public officials while machines are putting together facts and providing public services? What is the role of the state and the state administration? And how will society and citizens react? Will the norms change in society? Are we obliged to love robots? Is the challenge of transforming into a fully automated society a generational issue?

Listen to this episode and join the discussion on 12 May!

Discover other topics in conference programme.