e-Governance Conference 2022 test teine kuundus

  • 10 May 2022 - 12 May 2022
  • Tallinn

The e-Governance Conference, considered the biggest e-governance event in the international arena, brings together strategists, policy implementers, decision- makers, and donors to chart the future course of governance.

This year, we focus on how to create seamless governance and bring digital transformation to a new level.

We welcome you online and on site in Tallinn!


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:10

Opening Remarks

Eva-Maria Liimets Eva-Maria Liimets
Hannes Astok Hannes Astok
14:10 - 14:25 Presentation

Enablers of a Resilient & Seamless Government

The session is introducing the key elements of the digital government ecosystem. In conversation with Andres Sutt, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology of the Government of Estonia, opportunities and challenges to make digital government seamless and resilient are discussed.
Andres Sutt Andres Sutt
Hannes Astok Hannes Astok
14:25 - 14:35 Case Study

Digital Resilience in Natural Disasters

Mr. Toimoana will cover Tonga’s initial preparation prior to the volcanic eruptions and what really worked and did not work out after the eruptions. He will also discuss some of the challenges and possible solutions to have in place as a lesson learned from the natural disaster event.
Andrew Toimoana Andrew Toimoana
14:35 - 14:45 Case Study

How Digital Ukraine Survives the War

The Deputy Minister will present how Ukraine used existing and new digital government systems, like the DIIA application (where Ukrainian citizens can use digital documents on their smartphones, instead of physical ones, for identification and sharing purposes) and other digital solutions to support people during the war. The presentation also covers how both internally displaced people and refugees abroad were were able to remain connected digitally with Ukraine’s government.
Valeriya Ionan Valeriya Ionan
14:45 - 14:55 Case Study

Technologies and Innovations at the Service of the Refugee Crisis in Poland

As a consequence of the Russian attack, an estimated total of 5 million people have already left Ukraine for its neighbouring countries. Poland has welcomed more than 3 million Ukrainian refugees over the recent weeks. Not only shelter away from war has been offered to Ukrainian citizens in Poland, but also equal opportunities in terms of access to multiple services and benefits that the Polish administration offers to its own citizens. The on-boarding of the refugees has been a joint effort from the citizens, administration and businesses alike. One of the areas covered was making sure that the refugees have access to Polish on-line services and stay connected to the closest ones back in Ukraine. Another equally important aspect of handling the crisis is the need to ensure the resilience of public institutions at the national and European level. A properly designed digital state can be a way to maintain the continuity of digital public e-services. Furthermore, the importance of the cloud as a key element in ensuring the functioning of e-services is growing. One of the possibilities, and an option worth considering, is setting up data embassies – a backup of a digital state at all its levels.
Justyna Romanowska Justyna Romanowska
14:55 - 15:30 Panel Discussion

How to Prepare the e-Governance for a Crisis? 

Enablers of digital government are usually considered as providers of solid baselines for building better public services. Should the enablers of digital government be built only for good times or should the enablers survive also the bad scenarios? Are the enablers also usable and operational during a crisis? During the panel we look enablers from the viewpoint of a crisis.
Bolor-Erdene Battsengel Bolor-Erdene Battsengel
Andrew Toimoana Andrew Toimoana
Justyna Romanowska Justyna Romanowska
Heiko Vainsalu Heiko Vainsalu
15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 16:30 Panel Discussion

Cybersecurity: Essential Actions to Protect People, Businesses, and Government

The discussion will focus on cybersecurity: Why is cybersecurity needed, how can it be best managed, and what happens when cybersecurity is lacking?
Viktor Zhora Viktor Zhora
Adnan Kulovac Adnan Kulovac
Līga Raita Rozentāle Līga Raita Rozentāle
Merle Maigre Merle Maigre
16:30 - 16:40 Interview

The Global Gateway Strategy and Team Europe’s Approach in Fostering the Digital Transition

The European Commission launched as strategy called the Global Gateway; it links digital and green transition with investments into infrastructure and human capital. During the interview Félix Fernandez-Shaw will elaborate more on the goals of this initiative.
Félix Fernández-Shaw Félix Fernández-Shaw
Marit Lani Marit Lani
16:40 - 17:25 Panel Discussion

Laying the Groundwork for Digital Services: Case Studies from Africa

The discussion will focus on the preconditions, needs and challenges in developing human-centric and effective digital public services in Africa. The session aims to share practical experiences, good practices and lessons learnt based on real-life examples of developing digital public services in different African countries. This session is organised by the AU-EU D4D Hub, an EU funded project that supports African institutions to create an enabling environment for an inclusive digital transformation.
Njalakangwa Phumaphi Njalakangwa Phumaphi
Khaled El Attar Khaled El Attar
Helena Lepp Helena Lepp
Afiss Bileoma Afiss Bileoma
17:25 - 17:30

Key Conclusions of the Introductory Day

Marit Lani Marit Lani
19:00 - 20:00

WELCOME RECEPTION by the City of Tallinn. By invitation only.

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  • Time : 10:00 - 16:00 (UTC)

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